Take time to slow down, notice and reflect as we immerse our senses in the beauty of our Sheffield rivers as spring emerges.
You’ll join Caroline Cook from Well With Nature for a relaxing, mindful river walk along the River Don – inspired by the current exhibition at Weston Park Museum City of Rivers.
This two-hour session will involve walking from Kelham Island Museum along the River Don, so please dress for the weather and wear sensible footwear. You may want to bring something to sit on, such as a sit mat, garden kneeler or portable stool. You may also like to bring a bottle of water and a notebook to journal.
This session is aimed at adults and the minimum age to attend is 16 years old. You can find a wide range of events and activities for families here.
The session will be run by Caroline Cook from Well With Nature. Caroline has a background in the NHS and works as a Horticultural therapist and Forest Therapy Practitioner in Sheffield. She runs regular sessions at Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet in Forest Bathing and Herbal Wellness.
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