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A colourful embroidered quilt featuring text and images. At the centre are two portraits of Terry Higgins which are framed by a heart motif. The quilt is hung on a concrete and glass wall in a contemporary building. A colourful embroidered quilt featuring text and images. At the centre are two portraits of Terry Higgins which are framed by a heart motif. The quilt is hung on a concrete and glass wall in a contemporary building.

The Terry Higgins Memorial Quilt. Photo © Sheffield Museums

The Terry Higgins Memorial Quilt. Photo © Sheffield Museums

Panel Discussion: How Do We End New Cases of HIV by 2030?

Thu 18 April 2024 , 6:30pm-8pm

Millennium Gallery

More than 40 years since the start of the HIV epidemic, the UK has the opportunity to be the first in the world to end new cases of HIV by 2030. But HIV-related stigma and discrimination remain high and public attitudes too often stuck in the 1980s. Hear from a panel of public health experts, activists and people living with HIV about how radical reform can end an epidemic – and what could jeopardise this historic goal being achieved.


Two panels from the UK AIDS Memorial Quilt are currently on display at Millennium Gallery as part of the latest display in The Ruskin Collection: Hand, Head and Heart. This includes a brand- new quilt for Terry Higgins, the first publicly named person to die of an AIDS-related illness in the UK. There will be the opportunity to view the displays before and after the event, and the panels provide context of the huge pain caused by the epidemic as we look towards ending new cases of HIV. 

Panellists include Winnie Sseruma, HIV activist; Dr Claire Dewsnap, Former President of the British Association of HIV and Sexual Health; Richard Angell, Chief Executive of Terrence Higgins Trust; Greg Fell, President of the Association of Directors of Public Health; and Becky, Sheffield based HIV advocate and manager at BHA for equality, providing HIV support and prevention.

Your ticket price supports the work of Terrence Higgins Trust, which provides vital services including our one-of-a-kind sexual health helpline, HIV testing, counselling and peer support programmes.

This event is a collaboration between Terrence Higgins Trust and Sheffield Museums for the Festival of Debate.  

The suggested ticket price is £5, but we know that cost is a barrier for some. “Pay What You Can” tickets are also available so that those who need them can attend, paying whatever they can afford to give. Equally, if you are able, you may choose to pay above the standard ticket price to cover the cost of someone else’s ticket and support the event.


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